Visit campus to learn what Hawkeye has to offer you!
Services for Students in Need or Crisis
Our comprehensive training solutions feature world-class online curriculum, skills assessments, and real-world components for the best skill-building possibilities.
The High School Partnerships team is here to help you serve our shared students!
Make us your first contact for questions about concurrent enrollment. We can provide:
The Concurrent Student Handbook 2024–2025 [pdf] is available as a resource.
We can also connect you and your students to our Admissions Office for admissions-related opportunities, including visit days, application assistance, financial aid and scholarship information.
DualEnroll Login
Experience Hawkeye Visit Day
Experience Hawkeye Transfer Visit Day
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Hawkeye Center 114 319-296-4000 800-670-4769 319-209-9239 (text) 319-296-1651 (fax)
Hawkeye Center 134 319-296-4000 800-670-4769 319-209-9239 (text) 319-296-1651 (fax) Email Admissions
If campus is closed, the Admissions Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled closings.
Hawkeye Center 124 319-296-4038
Tama Hall 110 319-296-4038 Email High School Partnerships
Meet the High School Partnerships Team